Naturally Inspired Whole Turkey (Fresh)

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  1. Remove packaging. Remove giblets from neck cavity and remove neck from body cavity. Refrigerate until ready to use. Drain juices and blot with paper towels.
  2. Stuff neck and body cavities lightly. Allow ¾ cup stuffing per pound (optional).
  3. Place turkey, breast up, on flat rack in pan about 8cm (3″) deep. Brush skin with vegetable oil to prevent drying. Do not cover or add water.
  4. Place turkey in middle of preheated 325˚F (160˚C) oven. Roast according to chart. To prevent skin from becoming too dark, cover with aluminum foil near end of cooking time. Check for doneness with a meat thermometer, thigh should be minimum 180˚F (82˚C) / stuffing should be minimum 165˚F (74˚C). You can also checkout out our Turkey Calculator for more details on cooking time.
  5. Allow turkey and stuffing to stand for 15 minutes before carving.



Ingredients: Turkey infused with Reconstituted turkey broth, Canola oil, Water, Extra virgin olive oil, Salt, Pea protein, Fruit and Spice extracts.

Nutrition Fact/ Valeur nutritive per/Par 100g serving
  % Daily Value*/valeur quotidienne*
Calories 150
Fat/Lipides 7g 10%
Saturated/saturés 1.5g 8%
Trans 0 g
Cholesterol/Cholestérol 67mg  
Sodium 300mg 13%
Carbohydrate/Glucides 0g 0%
Fibre/Fibres 0g 0%
Sugars/sucres 0g 0%
Protein 21g  
Vitamin / Vitamine A 0%
Potassium 225 mg 21%
Calcium / Calcium 10 mg 21%
Iron / Fer 0.75 mg 6%
*5% or less is a little, 15% or more is a lot
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