Turkey Paprikash with Roasted Parsnips

Prep time 10       Cook time 45      


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1 Easy Fresh Bone-in Turkey Breast1 red pepper, sliced1 medium red onion, sliced2 cloves garlic, chopped2 Tbsp smoked paprika2 cups whole canned tomatoes½ cup butter½ cup sour creamSalt and pepper, to taste1 large parsnip, coined1 Tbsp honey1 Tbsp olive oil1 tsp dry thyme


  1. Preheat oven to 350˚ degrees.

  2. Cut parsnips into even sized half moons, toss in a bowl with honey, olive oil, dried thyme and a pinch of salt and pepper.
  3. Transfer to a parchment lined baking tray and bake in the oven for 25 minutes.
  4. Heat an oven proof skillet on medium to high heat. Add butter.
  5. Cut 1 turkey breast into 4 pieces. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. Sear skin side down in skillet, until golden brown (5 minutes) and repeat the process for the other side. Transfer to a holding plate.
  7. In the same pan, add sliced onions, sliced peppers and chopped garlic cloves, and sauteed for 6-8 minutes until the onions are translucent and the peppers have softened.
  8. Add paprika, a pinch of salt and pepper and deglaze the pan with canned tomatoes.
  9. Bring to a simmer, and transfer into the oven uncovered to bake for 25 minutes.
  10. Remove from oven, garnish with dollops of sour cream and enjoy.

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