Indian Turkey Roast by Chef Shahir Massoud


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1 Butterball boneless turkey breast roast1 tsp garam masala1 tsp garlic powder1 tsp paprika1 tsp chili powder, optional2 Tbsp olive oil

For the Bombay Potatoes

2lb yellow flesh potatoes, cut into 1 inch chunks1 1/2 Tbsp turmeric2 tsp olive oil2 tsp mustard seeds1 tsp garam masala1/4 cup crispy onionsFresh mint, picked for garnish

For the Spicy Cucumber Salad

2 cucumbers, deseeded and cut into 1 inch pieces1 lime, zested and juiced1 tsp sugar1 tsp cumin1 red chili, finely minced1 Tbsp olive oil1 tsp salt1/4 cup coconut, toasted1/4 cup peanuts

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  1. Preheat your oven to 325°F and place your Butterball roast on top of a wire rack, followed by a sheet pan (if you don't have a wire rack you can place the roast on a tin foil ring to keep it elevated). Brush the roast with some oil then place in the oven for 90 minutes.

  2. While the roast cooks, combine the garam masala, garlic powder, paprika, chili powder and olive oil in a bowl and whisk to combine. After 90 minutes, remove the turkey roast and cut off the netting. Brush the spice and oil mixture all over the roast, then return to the oven and cook for another 2 hours, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F/74°C.
  3. While the roast is in the oven, prepare the potatoes and cucumber salad. Bring a large pot of water up to a boil adding the turmeric, a pinch of salt, and the potatoes. Cook the potatoes for 12 - 14 minutes, or until bright yellow and halfway cooked. Remove from heat and strain the potatoes allowing to cool on a sheet pan (this can be a day or two in advance).
  4. Transfer the cooled potatoes to a mixing bowl, adding olive oil, mustard seeds, garam masala, and a generous pinch of salt. Mix well to combine, then transfer to a sheet pan.
  5. When the turkey roast has finished cooking, remove from the oven and increase the temperature to 450°F. While the roast is resting, add the potatoes to the oven and cook for 15 minutes, or until golden brown and cooked through. Remove and garnish with fresh mint.
  6. While the potatoes cook, prepare the cucumber salad, by combining the cucumber, lime zest and juice, sugar, cumin, red chili, olive oil and salt. Toss to combine (this can be done ahead while the turkey is roasting in the oven). Right before serving, add the coconut and peanuts. Gently mix to combine then transfer to your serving bowl.
  7. After resting, slice your Butterball turkey roast and spread onto your platter. Serve with the Bombay potatoes, cucumber salad, a side of mango chutney, and some warmed naan bread. Enjoy!

  8. Note: All spices included in this recipe are available at local grocery stores in the spice aisle.

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