The Amazing, Incomparable Turkey Lifter

The trickiest moment at many Thanksgivings is a seemingly simple one: lifting your turkey from its roasting pan to the serving tray.

A simple turkey lifter, made from a few lengths of kitchen twine can take that weight off your shoulders. And remember, no matter

how amazing and incomparable the turkey lifter is, always be cautious when you handle hot food.

What do I need?

  • One piece of kitchen twine 70 inches long

How do I make it?

  1. Tie the two ends of the twine together in a simple square knot, forming a circle. Pull on the twine to be sure the knot is tight.
  2. Tie a knot in the middle of the circle, creating a figure 8.
  3. Lay the turkey lifter in your roasting pan, on top of the rack on which you’ll cook your turkey.
  4. Once the turkey is done, lift it out of the tray by looping each circle around each end of the turkey and raising it onto the serving tray.

See How To Make a Turkey Lifter on our Butterball Canada YouTube channel.