How to Thaw a Frozen Turkey

When thawed properly, a frozen turkey is just as juicy, tender and delicious as one that is fresh. We’ve put together a guide to help you perfectly thaw your turkey.

How to thaw a frozen turkey in the refrigerator
Thawing your turkey in the fridge is not the fastest method but it is the safest as it keeps the meat cold throughout the entire process.

All you need to do is:

  • Place the frozen turkey in its wrapper on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator
  • Thaw for 1 day per every 4 pounds

This method should be planned well in advance to ensure you’ve given the turkey enough time to thaw.

How to thaw a frozen turkey in cold water
If you don’t have the time to thaw your turkey in the fridge, this is one of the fastest ways.

All you need to do is:

  • Place the frozen turkey in its unopened wrapper, breast down, in a sink filled with cold tap water
  • Change the water every 30 minutes to keep the surface of the turkey cold
  • It should take about 30 minutes per 1 pound to thaw

No thawing is necessary with these items.
If you prefer not to thaw a frozen turkey, then here are some perfect options for you:

  • Butterball Fresh Whole Turkey
  • Butterball Cook from Frozen Turkey (Stuffed or not Stuffed)

Do you have turkey questions? Check out our FAQ page for more helpful tips!